Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Crucible

The Crucible is a book about the salem witch trials, in which many people were hung. Abagail Williams and some of her friends were dancing and running around naked in the woods one night, trying to conjure up spirits from the dead when Reverend Parris saw them and suspected them of witchcraft. Word got around salem about the "witchcraft" incident and people started to blame others so they wouldn't be blamed themselves. Trials were held and in counr judge Danforth found out that John Proctor and Abagail Williams have had sexual relations in the past. They bring John's wife Elizabeth into court, and don't let her speak to her husband or Abby, so she does not that he had already confessed to being an adultist. Elizabeth tells judge Danforth that she did not know that John has had sexual relations with Abby, so they arrested Elizabeth and John.

The Crucible is set in a theocratic society, in which the church and the state are one, and the religion is a strict, hard form of Protestantism known as Puritanism. Because of the theocratic nature of the society, moral laws and state laws are one and the same. Sin and the status of an individual’s soul are matters of public concern. There is no room for deviation from the society, since any individual whose private life doesn’t conform to the established moral laws represents a threat not only to the public good but also to the rule of God and true religion. In Salem, everything and everyone belongs to either God or the devil.

Deer Season =D

My dad got me started with hunting when I was just a little kid. I loved every moment of it, getting to spend time with my dad and getting to watch all the wildlife. Just about every weekend my dad and I would say our goodbyes to my mom and sister, then load up and head to the cabin, in hopes of bringing home a "bigg-n". Ever since then I have been hooked on hunting and shooting guns, and I always will be.

This year was the best year of hunting I have ever had of all the years I have been hunting. Mostly due to the change of the spot where i was hunting. Thanks to my buddy Gilly, I killed a pretty big 8 point (the biggest 8 I have ever seen, or killed) which is at the taxidermist, I am getting it mounted so I can hang it above my bed. I alos killed a 7 point, along with a doe, so all together this year i have killed 3 deer. I usually only kill about one every year, so I'm stocked up on deer meat to last until next deer season.

Speak Book Review

If you have a major problem do you try to get help? Or, are you the type of person who will keep all of your feelings inside? Melinda, in Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, was the quiet type. She faces a problem that many people couldn't even come close to understanding.

Melinda is basically a normal teenage girl. She tries to live a regular, everyday life like all of the other girls her age. In high school, finding the right crowd to be a part of is always hard. Over the summer, Melinda's friends change and she has a difficult time fitting back in with them.

While at an "End of the Summer" party, Melinda gets drunk and meets a boy. His name is Andy Evan. Knowing that Melinda would be pretty much helpless, Andy (she now calls him IT) raped her. After this event, instead of trying to comfort and help her through this hard time, Melinda's friends began to ignore her. They were angry and upset with her actions. Finally, she gave up. Melinda became very quiet and did not want to discuss what had happened with anyone. She felt that she could handle the problem on her own.

A theme that fits this book well is treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Bullying has become a serious problem around the world. Everyone faces situations like this at one point in their life. If everyone would try their hardest to treat people with respect, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

I highly recommend this book to all teens. Speak has a great lesson that everyone needs to learn at one time or another. More than anyone, teenagers need to realize that bullying other people is not okay. Bullying is hurtful and wrong.


Have you ever been bullied? Or even been a bully to someone yourself? Bullying has become a major problem in the world. It is everywhere.

I see kids getting bullied every day at school. Most of the time, the kids haven't even done anything to deserve this type of treatment. They get bullied because they have different personalities or don't fit in with the "cool crowd." Different types of people are what make the world go round.

I believe that bullying is wrong. Everyone should be treated equally, and violence is never the answer. Making people feel bad about themselves only causes more problems and lowers people's self esteme. If everyone would treat others the way that they want to be treated, the wold would be a better place.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Being Thankful

  1. food- i love food and anytime i can eat i will take that chance and eat as much as i can=)
  2. family
  3. presents- my most favorite present is money i like to get money so i can buy whatever i like and not have to worry about not liking what other people get me
  4. working out
  5. snow
  6. My girlfriend
  7. snow icecream
  8. white(not yellow)snow
  9. NO SCHOOL!!!!!!
  10. sleeping alot